Sija Logistics Brokerage division is a full fledged team of well experienced as well as well-trained staff and are competent in all local Regulations pertaining to most of the goods that are Imported and Exported to our countries of operation. We are able to leverage our relationships in the trade and obtain the most timely, cost-efficient solutions in some of the most congested of Ports & CFS environments.

Some of the most regular Products we are competent in are Electronics components, Used & New Machinery, Vehicle parts, Pharmaceuticals, Petroleum & Oil, Paints and Dangerous Cargo, Perishables, Garments, Furniture, Home Appliances, CARNET. We are also experienced in Military equipment and other sensitive project clearances.

We understand that providing accurate and timely information during the Customs Clearance process is critical to meeting Customer satisfaction and maintain a proven track record with some of the largest Local and Multi-National Companies in the region while adhering to strict SLA’s and delivery/ clearance schedules.

Our Services Include

  • Merit Duty Clearance
  • License Clearance
  • Warehouse & Ex Bond Clearance
  • Warehouse to Export Clearance
  • SEZ, MEPZ & FTWZ Clearance


  1. Flexible Schedules

    We contract with multiple carriers and work with all carriers on a daily basis to accommodate the requirements of virtually any scheduling task.

  2. Fast Transit Times:

    Sija Logistics Pvt Ltd. offers multiple sailing schedules per week and a variety of quality carrier options, adding to our ever growing network.

  3. Competitive Pricing:

    As one of the biggest ocean transport intermediary, Sija Logistics enjoys a leveraged pricing with many carriers. This leverage means you get the best value.